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Teaching Social Skills Through Love Getting a Social Skills Story for Readers and Nonreaders

· Social Skills
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Social Skills Stories was created to help children with Autism gain a better understanding of how others think and why certain actions are appropriate or not. Social Skills Stories is very fast and easy, so you will be able to either add or edit the story on the go. The application also comes with a safe lock feature to ensure no unwanted changes or edits are made by other users. Social Skills Stories also has a multi-person function, which allows you to input data for multiple people and save stories accordingly to each person's needs.

Social Skills Stories works by building social skills. These skills build on one's strengths and use stories to teach them how to use these strengths in different situations. For example, a young boy might be taught how to count by showing his teacher how to "card" him with a card. A girl might be shown how to count by telling her teacher that she wants him to count from one to twenty. By using social skills stories, children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder learn to create their own forms of expression and confidence.

The software also works with selected CD-ROMs that contain social skills stories and activities, along with hand-held electronic devices such as iPods and cell phones. CD-ROMs that include hand-held electronic devices are great because they make the program convenient and portable. They can be used anywhere, including the car, office, public transportation, buses, and subways. The selection of topics includes both general social interactions skills and more specific topics such as counting, color recognition, the sound of music, the alphabet, counting objects, the telephone, and other situations.

The program also works with stories and other teaching aids such as pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams, video clips, and audio clips that can be used in conjunction with the stories. All of the programs are available free of charge and it is easy to access and use. It is also easy to download, and the interface is clear and easy to follow. Some of the basic social skills stories, which provide instruction on how to behave around strangers, may seem simplistic, but they can be beneficial for those who are shy and lack self-confidence or those with a low self esteem.

For example, one of the basic social skills stories teaches children how to greet others with a warm greeting. Another story can help identify appropriate body language when conversing with others. In addition, the stories can teach social skills for dealing with conflict, such as how to give and take turns when playing. Some of the hand-held devices can include push buttons to demonstrate the right place to touch or other situations that require the use of verbal cues. Some of the hand-held devices can work as voice recorders that allow a parent to read back the story and correct misheard words or phrases.

Love getting a Social Skills Story can help children learn to develop social and interpersonal skills. Social skills can be learned through stories, and love getting a story that demonstrates how to handle conflict can help children see that conflict is an important part of building strengths and developing their skills. Teaching stories to preschoolers, elementary school children, and K-12 students allows them to see that there are positive aspects of social interaction and how to deal with it so they can enjoy getting along with others and can work together as a group. Click here to get the best social skills stories.